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Modes in Component Behavior Specification via EBP and their Application in Product Lines

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    SYSNO ASEP0317137
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevModes in Component Behavior Specification via EBP and their Application in Product Lines
    Překlad názvuMódy ve specifikaci chování komponent v EBP a jejich aplikace v product lines
    Tvůrce(i) Kofroň, Jan (UIVT-O)
    Plášil, František (UIVT-O) RID
    Šerý, O. (CZ)
    Zdroj.dok.Information and Software Technology. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0950-5849
    Roč. 51, č. 1 (2009), s. 31-41
    Poč.str.11 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.NL - Nizozemsko
    Klíč. slovabehavior specification ; component modes ; software product lines
    Vědní obor RIVJC - Počítačový hardware a software
    CEP1ET400300504 GA AV ČR - Akademie věd
    CEZAV0Z10300504 - UIVT-O (2005-2011)
    UT WOS000262077500005
    EID SCOPUS56649114354
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2008.09.011
    AnotaceThe concept of software product lines (SPL) is a modern approach to software development simplifying construction of related variants of a product thus lowering development costs and shortening time-to-market. In SPL, software components play an important role. In this paper, we show how the original idea of component mode can be captured and further developed in behavior specification via the formalism of Extended Behavior Protocols (EBP). Moreover, we demonstrate how the modes in behavior specification can be used for modeling behavior of an entire product line. The main benefits include (i) the existence of a single behavior specification capturing the behavior of all product variants, and (ii) automatic verification of absence of communication errors among the cooperating components taking the variability into account. These benefits are demonstrated on a part of a non-trivial case study.
    PracovištěÚstav informatiky
    KontaktTereza Šírová, sirova@cs.cas.cz, Tel.: 266 053 800
    Rok sběru2010
Počet záznamů: 1  

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