Počet záznamů: 1
Growth and scintillation properties of 3 in. diameter Ce doped Gd.sub.3./sub.Ga.sub.3./sub.Al.sub.2./sub.O.sub.12./sub. scintillation single crystal
- 1.Kamada, K., Shoji, Y., Kochurikhin, V.V., Okumura, S., Yamamoto, S., Nagura, A., Yeom, J.Y., Kurosawa, S., Yokota, Y., Ohashi, Y., Nikl, M., Yoshikawa, A. Growth and scintillation properties of 3 in. diameter Ce doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 scintillation single crystal. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2016, 452(Oct), 81-84. ISSN 0022-0248. E-ISSN 1873-5002. Dostupné z: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.04.037
Počet záznamů: 1