Počet záznamů: 1
Defects and Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites
- 1.Petzelt, Jan - Ostapchuk, Tetyana - Kamba, Stanislav
Ferroelectric soft-mode spectroscopy in disordered bulk and thin-film perovskites.
Defects and Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites. Kluwer: Kluwer Academic, 2000 - (Borstel, G.), s. 233-248
Grant CEP: GA ČR GA202/98/1282; GA AV ČR IAA1010828; GA MŠMT OC 514.10; GA MŠMT ME 100; GA AV ČR KSK1010601
Počet záznamů: 1