Počet záznamů: 1
Primární zdrojová data k článku Findurová et al. (2024) Acclimation of barley plants to elevated CO2 concentration and high light intensity does not increase their protection against drought, heat, and their combination
- 1.0603121 - ÚVGZ DATA Vědecká data 2025
Findurová, Hana
Primární zdrojová data k článku Findurová et al. (2024) Acclimation of barley plants to elevated CO2 concentration and high light intensity does not increase their protection against drought, heat, and their combination.
[Primary source data for the article Findurová et al. (2024)Acclimation of barley plants to elevated CO2 concentration and high light intensity does not increase their protection against drought, heat, and their combination.]
Popis: Datový soubor obsahuje měřená fyziologická a morfologická data pro jednotlivá opakování příslušných experimentálních variant a to samostatně pro fázi aklimace, po stresu vyské teploty a sucha v absolutních hodnotách a po stresu vysoké teploty a sucha v relativních hodnotách.
[The dataset contains measured physiological and morphological data for each replication of the respective experimental variants, separately for the acclimation phase, after high temperature and drought stress in absolute values and after high temperature and drought stress in relative values.]
Klíčová slova: elevated CO2 * drought stress * heat stress * light intensity * barley
Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004635
Institucionální podpora: RVO:86652079
Výzkumná infrastruktura: CzeCOS IV - 90248
Obor OECD: Plant sciences, botany
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57680/asep.0603121
Handle: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0360491
Vkladatel: Klem, Karel
Datum publikování: 2.1.2025
Publikace ASEP:
Acclimation of barley plants to elevated CO2 concentration and high light intensity does not increase their protection against drought, heat, and their combination
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