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Quorum-sensing signals from epibiont mediate the induction of novel microviridins in the mat-forming cyanobacterial genus Nostoc.

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    0560152 - BC 2022 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Saha, S. - Bulzu, Paul-Adrian - Urajová, P. - Mareš, Jan - Konert, G. - Manoel, J.C. - Macho, M. - Ewe, D. - Hrouzek, P. - Masojídek, J. - Ghai, Rohit - Saurav, K.
    Quorum-sensing signals from epibiont mediate the induction of novel microviridins in the mat-forming cyanobacterial genus Nostoc.
    mSphere. Roč. 6, č. 4 (2021), č. článku e00562-21. ISSN 2379-5042. E-ISSN 2379-5042
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GX20-12496X
    Institutional support: RVO:60077344
    Keywords : cyanobacteria * cyanopeptides * homoserine lactones * microviridin * quorum sensing
    OECD category: Microbiology
    Impact factor: 5.029, year: 2021
    Method of publishing: Open access

    The regulation of the production of oligopeptides is essential in understanding their ecological role in complex microbial communities, including harmful cyanobacterial blooms. The role of chemical communication between the cyanobacterium and the microbial community harbored as epibionts within its phycosphere is at an initial stage of research, and little is understood about its specificity. Here, we present insight into the role of a bacterial epibiont in regulating the production of novel microviridins isolated from Nostoc, an ecologically important cyanobacterial genus. Microviridins are well-known elastase inhibitors with presumed antigrazing effects. Heterologous expression and identification of specific signal molecules from the epibiont suggest the role of a quorum-sensing-based interaction. Furthermore, physiological experiments show an increase in microviridin production without affecting cyanobacterial growth and photosynthetic activity. Simultaneously, oligopeptides presenting a selective inhibition pattern provide support for their specific function in response to the presence of cohabitant epibionts. Thus, the chemical interaction revealed in our study provides an example of an interspecies signaling pathway monitoring the bacterial flora around the cyanobacterial filaments and the induction of intrinsic species-specific metabolic responses.
    Permanent Link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0333176

Počet záznamů: 1  

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