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Non-destructive sans investigation of in 738 turbine blades after high-temperature operation

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    0105647 - UJF-V 20043218 RIV CH eng G - Konferenční sborník (zahraniční konf.)
    Marinčák, Vojtěch - Strunz, Pavel - Šaroun, Jan - Ryukhtin, Vasyl - Lukáš, Petr - Cassi, L. - Ceschini, G. F. - Rogante, M.
    Non-destructive sans investigation of in 738 turbine blades after high-temperature operation.
    [Nedestruktivní SANS vyšetřování 738 turbinových lopatek po práci při vysoké teplotě.]
    Geneva, 2003. 6 s.
    [Proceedings of the International Conference of Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. Geneve (CH), 25.05.2003-29.05.2003]
    Grant CEP: GA AV ČR KSK1010104; GA ČR GA202/03/0891
    Klíčová slova: superalloy * SANS
    Kód oboru RIV: BM - Fyzika pevných látek a magnetismus

    The gas reactor turbine blades produced from the Inconel 738 nickel-base superalloy were studied with the aim to assess the influence of high-temperature operation fatigue on the microstructure. High-resolution small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) provides an unique possibility of non-destructive characterization of precipitates in the blades. Two turbine blades in as-cast state and after operation were compared at different positions along their edge, where different thermal and stress loads are expected. Size distributions and relative volume fractions of gamma´-precipitates were evaluated from measured SANS spectra for each blade and individual position. It was found that the precipitate volume fraction increases towards the tip of both blades. The blade after operation exhibits a significant increase of the average size and volume of precipitates with respect to the as-cast blade, which can be explained by expected stronger precipitate coarsening under higher stresses. The precipitate size varied along the blade in the as-cast state. The first results indicate that the SANS method would be a very useful tool for non-destructive testing of fatigue in turbine blades.

    Turbinové lopatky plynového reaktoruvyrobené ze super slitiny Inconel 738 na niklové bázi jsou studovány s cílem zjistit vliv únavy prací při vysoké teplotě na mikrostrukturu.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0012875

Počet záznamů: 1  

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