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Reference/citace:  ORTMANN, Andreas. Charles R. Plott's collected papers on the experimental foundations of economic and political science. Review article. Orig.: PLOTT, Charles R. (ed.).: [Collected papers on the experimental foundations of economics and political science, volume I: Public economics, political processes and policy applications. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2001. 608 s. Collected papers on the experimental foundations of economics and political science, volume II: Market institutions and price discovery. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2001. 688 s. Collected papers on the experimental foundations of economics and political science, volume III: Information, finance and general equilibrium. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2001. 656 s.]. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2003, 24(4), 555-575. ISSN 0167-4870. E-ISSN 1872-7719.
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