Počet záznamů: 1  

Effect of the winter wheat cheyenne 5A substituted chromosome on dynamics of abscisic acid and cytokinins in freezing-sensitive Chinese spring genetic background

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    SYSNO ASEP0485827
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevEffect of the winter wheat cheyenne 5A substituted chromosome on dynamics of abscisic acid and cytokinins in freezing-sensitive Chinese spring genetic background
    Tvůrce(i) Kalapos, S. (HU)
    Novák, A. (HU)
    Dobrev, Petre (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
    Vítámvás, P. (CZ)
    Marincs, F. (HU)
    Galiba, G. (HU)
    Vaňková, Radomíra (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
    Celkový počet autorů7
    Číslo článku2033
    Zdroj.dok.Frontiers in Plant Science. - : Frontiers Research Foundation - ISSN 1664-462X
    Roč. 8, NOV 29 (2017)
    Poč.str.12 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.CH - Švýcarsko
    Klíč. slovaAbscisic acid ; Cold treatment ; Cytokinin ; Freezing tolerance ; Gene expression ; Phytohormones ; Triticum aestivum
    Vědní obor RIVEF - Botanika
    Obor OECDPlant sciences, botany
    CEPGA17-06613S GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    QJ1530373 GA MZe - Ministerstvo zemědělství
    Institucionální podporaUEB-Q - RVO:61389030
    UT WOS000416397300001
    EID SCOPUS85038382895
    DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.02033
    AnotaceThe effect of short-and long-term cold treatment on the abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinin (CK) metabolism, and their main biosynthesis- and signaling-related genes were investigated in freezing-sensitive and freezing-tolerant wheat genotypes. Varieties Cheyenne and Chinese Spring substituted with the 5A Cheyenne chromosome, which represented freezing-tolerant genotypes, were compared with the freezing-sensitive Chinese Spring. Hormone levels and gene expression data indicated that the short-and long-term cold treatments are associated with specific regulation of the accumulation of cold-protective proteins and phytohormone levels, as well as the expression profiles of the hormone-related genes. The significant differences were observed between the genotypes, and between their leaf and crown tissues, too. The level of dehydrins, including WCS120 protein, and expression of WCS120 gene were considerably higher in the freezing-tolerant genotypes after 21 days of cold treatment. Expression of Cor14b and CBF14, cold-responsive regulator genes, was increased by cold treatment in all genotypes, to higher extent in freezing-tolerant genotypes. Cluster analysis revealed that the tolerant genotypes had a similar response to cold treatment, regarding expression of the ABA and CK metabolic genes, as well as hormone levels in leaves. As far as hormone levels in crowns are concerned, however, the strongly freezing-tolerant Cheyenne variety clustered separately from the Chinese Spring and the substitution line, which were more similar to each other after both 1 and 21 days of cold treatment than to Cheyenne. Based on these results we concluded that the 5A chromosome of wheat might have both a direct and an indirect impact on the phytohormone-dependent cold-induced freezing tolerance. Based on the gene expression data, novel genetic markers could be developed, which may be used to determine the freezing tolerance level in a wide range of wheat varieties.
    PracovištěÚstav experimentální botaniky
    KontaktDavid Klier, knihovna@ueb.cas.cz, Tel.: 220 390 469
    Rok sběru2018
Počet záznamů: 1  

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