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At least seven distinct rotavirus genotype constellations in bats with evidence of reassortment and zoonotic transmissions

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0539521
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevAt least seven distinct rotavirus genotype constellations in bats with evidence of reassortment and zoonotic transmissions
    Tvůrce(i) Simsek, C. (BE)
    Corman, V. M. (DE)
    Everling, H. U. (DE)
    Lukashev, A. N. (RU)
    Rasche, A. (DE)
    Maganga, G. D. (GA)
    Binger, T. (GH)
    Jansen, D. (BE)
    Beller, L. (BE)
    Deboutte, W. (BE)
    Gloza-Rausch, F. (DE)
    Seebens-Hoyer, A. (DE)
    Yordanov, S. (BG)
    Sylverken, A. (GH)
    Oppong, S. (GH)
    Sarkodie, Y. A. (GH)
    Vallo, Peter (UBO-W) RID, SAI, ORCID
    Leroy, E. M. (FR)
    Bourgarel, M. (ZW)
    Yinda, K. C. (BE)
    Van Ranst, M. (BE)
    Drosten, C. (DE)
    Drexler, J. F. (DE)
    Matthijnssens, J. (BE)
    Celkový počet autorů24
    Číslo článkue02755-20
    Zdroj.dok.mBio. - : American Society for Microbiology - ISSN 2161-2129
    Roč. 12, č. 1 (2021)
    Poč.str.17 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.US - Spojené státy americké
    Klíč. slovaBat rotavirus ; Rotavirus genetic diversity ; sa11 ; Viral metagenomics ; Zoonosis
    Vědní obor RIVEE - Mikrobiologie, virologie
    Obor OECDMicrobiology
    Způsob publikováníOpen access
    Institucionální podporaUBO-W - RVO:68081766
    UT WOS000627333700082
    EID SCOPUS85100186330
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02755-20
    AnotaceBats host many viruses pathogenic to humans, and increasing evidence suggests that rotavirus A (RVA) also belongs to this list. Rotaviruses cause diarrheal disease in many mammals and birds, and their segmented genomes allow them to reassort and increase their genetic diversity. Eighteen out of 2,142 bat fecal samples (0.8%) collected from Europe, Central America, and Africa were PCR-positive for RVA, and 11 of those were fully characterized using viral metagenomics. Upon contrasting their genomes with publicly available data, at least 7 distinct bat RVA genotype constellations (GCs) were identified, which included evidence of reassortments and 6 novel genotypes. Some of these constellations are spread across the world, whereas others appear to be geographically restricted. Our analyses also suggest that several unusual human and equine RVA strains might be of bat RVA origin, based on their phylogenetic clustering, despite various levels of nucleotide sequence identities between them. Although SA11 is one of the most widely used reference strains for RVA research and forms the backbone of a reverse genetics system, its origin remained enigmatic. Remarkably, the majority of the genotypes of SA11-like strains were shared with Gabonese bat RVAs, suggesting a potential common origin. Overall, our findings suggest an underexplored genetic diversity of RVAs in bats, which is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Increasing contact between humans and bat wildlife will further increase the zoonosis risk, which warrants closer attention to these viruses. IMPORTANCE The increased research on bat coronaviruses after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome corona-virus (MERS-CoV) allowed the very rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2. This is an excellent example of the importance of knowing viruses harbored by wildlife in general, and bats in particular, for global preparedness against emerging viral patho-gens. The current effort to characterize bat rotavirus strains from 3 continents sheds light on the vast genetic diversity of rotaviruses and also hints at a bat origin for several atypical rotaviruses in humans and animals, implying that zoonoses of bat rotaviruses might occur more frequently than currently realized.
    PracovištěÚstav biologie obratlovců
    KontaktHana Slabáková, slabakova@ivb.cz, Tel.: 543 422 524
    Rok sběru2022
    Elektronická adresahttps://mbio.asm.org/content/mbio/12/1/e02755-20.full.pdf
Počet záznamů: 1  

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