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Definitive Ideal-Gas Thermochemical Functions of the (H2O)-O-16 Molecule

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0472290
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevDefinitive Ideal-Gas Thermochemical Functions of the (H2O)-O-16 Molecule
    Tvůrce(i) Furtenbacher, T. (HU)
    Szidarovszky, T. (HU)
    Hrubý, Jan (UT-L) RID, ORCID
    Kyuberis, A. A. (RU)
    Zobov, N. F. (RU)
    Polyansky, O. L. (GB)
    Tennyson, J. (GB)
    Császár, A. G. (HU)
    Celkový počet autorů8
    Číslo článku043104
    Zdroj.dok.Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data - ISSN 0047-2689
    Roč. 45, č. 4 (2016)
    Poč.str.14 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.US - Spojené státy americké
    Klíč. slovaideal-gas thermochemical quantities ; ortho- and para-H2 16O ; partition function
    Vědní obor RIVBJ - Termodynamika
    CEPGA16-02647S GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    Institucionální podporaUT-L - RVO:61388998
    UT WOS000390457200004
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4967723
    AnotaceA much improved temperature-dependent ideal-gas internal partition function, Qint(T), of the H2 16O molecule is reported for temperatures between 0 and 6000 K. Determination of Qint(T) is principally based on the direct summation technique involving all accurate experimental energy levels known for H2 16O (almost 20 000 rovibrational energies including an almost complete list up to a relative energy of 7500 cm−1), augmented with a less accurate but complete list of first-principles computed rovibrational energy levels up to the first dissociation limit, about 41 000 cm−1 (the latter list includes close to one million bound rovibrational energy level). Partition functions are developed for ortho- and para-H2 16O as well as for their equilibrium mixture. Based on the high-accuracy Qint(T) and its first two moments Gibbs energy, enthalpy, entropy, and isobaric heat capacity are obtained.
    PracovištěÚstav termomechaniky
    KontaktMarie Kajprová, kajprova@it.cas.cz, Tel.: 266 053 154 ; Jana Lahovská, jaja@it.cas.cz, Tel.: 266 053 823
    Rok sběru2017
Počet záznamů: 1  

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