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A simple method of evaluating non-isothermal crystallization kinetics in multicomponent polymer systems

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    SYSNO ASEP0447178
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevA simple method of evaluating non-isothermal crystallization kinetics in multicomponent polymer systems
    Tvůrce(i) Kratochvíl, Jaroslav (UMCH-V) RID
    Kelnar, Ivan (UMCH-V) RID, ORCID
    Zdroj.dok.Polymer Testing. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0142-9418
    Roč. 47, October (2015), s. 79-86
    Poč.str.8 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.GB - Velká Británie
    Klíč. slovanon-isothermal crystallization kinetics ; cumulative curves ; inflection point
    Vědní obor RIVJI - Kompozitní materiály
    CEPGA13-15255S GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    Institucionální podporaUMCH-V - RVO:61389013
    UT WOS000362859000012
    EID SCOPUS84940838294
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2015.07.010
    AnotaceA new simple method of evaluating non-isothermal crystallization kinetics is proposed. The procedure based on mathematical treatment of DSC cumulative crystallization curves at their inflection point provides three kinetic parameters: temperature of start of crystallization (Ts), temperature of maximum crystallization rate (Ti) and numerical value of the maximum crystallization rate (si), and also final crystallinity after cooling (CRc). The method is demonstrated on the system poly(ε-caprolactone)/poly(lactic acid)/clay C15 and related microfibrillar composite. The method provides the values of Ts and Ti with standard deviation σ = 0.3 and 0.4 °C, respectively. The coefficient of variation v of si and CRc is 5.8 and 1.5%, respectively. The proposed method does not refer to any crystallization model and does not require exact determination of the starting time. It is particularly useful for characterizing a series of samples derived by modification of the neat polymer.
    PracovištěÚstav makromolekulární chemie
    KontaktEva Čechová, cechova@imc.cas.cz ; Tel.: 296 809 358
    Rok sběru2016
Počet záznamů: 1  

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