Počet záznamů: 1  

Evaluation of DNA bending models in their capacity to predict electrophoretic migration anomalies of satellite DNA sequences

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0422254
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevEvaluation of DNA bending models in their capacity to predict electrophoretic migration anomalies of satellite DNA sequences
    Tvůrce(i) Matyášek, Roman (BFU-R) ORCID
    Fulneček, Jaroslav (BFU-R)
    Kovařík, Aleš (BFU-R) RID, ORCID
    Celkový počet autorů3
    Zdroj.dok.Electrophoresis. - : Wiley - ISSN 0173-0835
    Roč. 34, č. 17 (2013), s. 2511-2521
    Poč.str.11 s.
    Forma vydáníTištěná - P
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.US - Spojené státy americké
    Vědní obor RIVAC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
    CEPGA206/09/1751 GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    GAP501/10/0208 GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    GA13-10057S GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    Institucionální podporaBFU-R - RVO:68081707
    CEZAV0Z50040702 - BFU-R (2007-2013)
    UT WOS000327667000007
    EID SCOPUS84883310801
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201300227
    AnotaceDNA containing a sequence that generates a local curvature exhibits a pronounced retardation in electrophoretic mobility. Various theoretical models have been proposed to explain relationship between DNA structural features and migration anomaly. Here, we studied the capacity of 15 static wedge-bending models to predict electrophoretic behavior of 69 satellite monomers derived from four divergent families. All monomers exhibited retarded mobility in PAGE corresponding to retardation factors ranging 1.02-1.54. The curvature varied both within and across the groups and correlated with the number, position, and lengths of A-tracts. Two dinucleotide models provided strong correlation between gel mobility and curvature prediction; two trinucleotide models were satisfactory while remaining dinucleotide models provided intermediate results with reliable prediction for subsets of sequences only. In some cases, similarly shaped molecules exhibited relatively large differences in mobility and vice versa.
    PracovištěBiofyzikální ústav
    KontaktJana Poláková, polakova@ibp.cz, Tel.: 541 517 244
    Rok sběru2014
Počet záznamů: 1  

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