Počet záznamů: 1  

Flows of viscous compressible fluids under strong stratification: incompressible limits for long-range potential forces

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    SYSNO ASEP0369711
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevFlows of viscous compressible fluids under strong stratification: incompressible limits for long-range potential forces
    Tvůrce(i) Feireisl, Eduard (MU-W) RID, SAI, ORCID
    Zdroj.dok.Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. - : World Scientific Publishing - ISSN 0218-2025
    Roč. 21, č. 1 (2011), s. 7-27
    Poč.str.21 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.SG - Singapur
    Klíč. slovacompressible Navier-Stokes system ; low Mach number limit ; RAGE theorem
    Vědní obor RIVBA - Obecná matematika
    CEPGA201/08/0315 GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    CEZAV0Z10190503 - MU-W (2005-2011)
    UT WOS000287370100002
    EID SCOPUS79851514667
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218202511004964
    AnotaceWe study the singular limit of the compressible Navier–Stokes system in the whole space ℝ3, where the Mach number and Froude number are proportional to a small parameter ε → 0. The central issue is the local decay of the acoustic energy proved by means of the RAGE theorem. The result is quite general and the proposed approach can be applied to a large variety of problems that concern propagation of acoustic waves in compressible fluids. In particular, the method can be used for showing stability of various numerical schemes based on the so-called hybrid methods.
    PracovištěMatematický ústav
    KontaktJarmila Štruncová, struncova@math.cas.cz, library@math.cas.cz, Tel.: 222 090 757
    Rok sběru2012
Počet záznamů: 1  

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