Počet záznamů: 1  

Effect of functionalized nanotubes with HNO.sub.3./sub. on electrical sensory properties of carbon nanotubes/polyurethane composite under elongation

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    SYSNO ASEP0367462
    Druh ASEPC - Konferenční příspěvek (mezinárodní konf.)
    Zařazení RIVD - Článek ve sborníku
    NázevEffect of functionalized nanotubes with HNO3 on electrical sensory properties of carbon nanotubes/polyurethane composite under elongation
    Tvůrce(i) Slobodian, P. (CZ)
    Olejník, R. (CZ)
    Říha, Pavel (UH-J) SAI, ORCID, RID
    Sáha, P. (CZ)
    Zdroj.dok.Mathematical Methods and Techniques in Engineering and Environmental Science. - Stevens Point, Wisconsin : WSEAS Press, 2011 / Demiralp M. ; Bojkovic Z. ; Repanovici A. - ISBN 978-1-61804-046-6
    Rozsah strans. 312-316
    Poč.str.5 s.
    AkceWSEAS International Conference on Sensors and Signals /4./
    Datum konání03.11.2011-05.11.2011
    Místo konáníCatania
    ZeměIT - Itálie
    Typ akceWRD
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.US - Spojené státy americké
    Klíč. slovacarbon nanotubes ; oxidation ; flexible composites ; strain sensor ; Gauge factor ; resistance
    Vědní obor RIVJB - Senzory, čidla, měření a regulace
    CEZAV0Z20600510 - UH-J (2005-2011)
    AnotaceThermoplastic polyurethane elastomer PU/MWCNT network composite was prepared and tested as tensile strain sensing element. In the first step MWCNT aqueous dispersion was filtered thought PU filtering membrane prepared by technology of electrospinning. The filtering membrane remains as a part of final composite when this filter-supported MWCNT network is attached to the surface of PU tensile test specimens by technology of compression molding and the filter is transformed to form of PU adhesive film. The composite can sustain large deformation and the stain can be effectively detected by resistance measurement in real time of deformation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of PU/MWCNT sensoric unit was significantly improved by CNT oxidation by HNO3 acid. This enhancement was quantified by a gauge factor. Its value, for example, increase from 9.5 at tensile strain ~9 % for pure network to 23.1 for network made of oxidized tubes measured at the same strain.
    PracovištěÚstav pro hydrodynamiku
    KontaktSoňa Hnilicová, hnilicova@ih.cas.cz, Tel.: 233 109 003
    Rok sběru2012
Počet záznamů: 1  

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