Počet záznamů: 1  

Location and timing of the deposition of egg strands by perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): the roles of lake hydrology, spawning substrate and female size

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    SYSNO ASEP0367122
    Druh ASEPJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Zařazení RIVJ - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Poddruh JČlánek ve WOS
    NázevLocation and timing of the deposition of egg strands by perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): the roles of lake hydrology, spawning substrate and female size
    Tvůrce(i) Čech, Martin (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Peterka, Jiří (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Říha, Milan (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Muška, Milan (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Hejzlar, Josef (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Kubečka, Jan (BC-A) RID, ORCID
    Zdroj.dok.Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. - : EDP Sciences - ISSN 1961-9502
    -, č. 403 (2011), 08p1-08p12
    Poč.str.12 s.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    Země vyd.FR - Francie
    Klíč. slovaSCUBA diving ; aquatic vegetation ; lake management ; common stonewort Chara vulgaris ; common reed Phragmites communis
    Vědní obor RIVEG - Zoologie
    CEPGP206/09/P266 GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR
    CEZAV0Z60170517 - HBU-Z, BC-A (2005-2011)
    UT WOS000299310800009
    DOI https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2011070
    AnotaceThe reproduction biology of perch was studied in relation to lake hydrology, spawning substrate and female size in Chabařovice Lake, Czech Republic. An extreme displacement of water mass, induced by a long-lasting strong wind, caused the abundance of egg strands to differ significantly between individual parts of the lake. On average, 91% of perch spawning activity occurred at depths greater than 3 m. The mean concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) indicated that the lake belongs to the category where DOC influencing the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, is not responsible for the deep deposition of egg strands by perch. Most probably, the avoidance of shallow layers (less than 3 m deep) results from strong wind/waves coming from any direction. Larger perch females started to spawn earlier than their smaller conspecifics and they used shallower layers for depositing their egg strands.
    PracovištěBiologické centrum (od r. 2006)
    KontaktDana Hypšová, eje@eje.cz, Tel.: 387 775 214
    Rok sběru2012
Počet záznamů: 1  

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