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Strategies toward processing high-efficient MWCNTs/AgBr/PTs-co-PQ nanocomposite coupling for X-band stealth application

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    0584982 - FZÚ 2025 RIV NL eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Alamri, S. - Manickam, M.V. - Rajhi, A.A. - Kulandaivel, A. - Anqi, A.E. - Hassan, Ali - Mohanavel, V.
    Strategies toward processing high-efficient MWCNTs/AgBr/PTs-co-PQ nanocomposite coupling for X-band stealth application.
    Diamond and Related Materials. Roč. 141, Jan (2024), č. článku 110629. ISSN 0925-9635. E-ISSN 1879-0062
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271
    Klíčová slova: MWCNTs/AgBr/poly(thiophene-co-quinoxaline) * reflection loss * impedance matching * microwave absorption properties
    Obor OECD: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Impakt faktor: 4.3, rok: 2023

    There is a pressing desire for the development of ideal microwave absorption materials to tackle the escalating issue of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in electronic gadgets. So, EMI absorption material is an urgent requirement at the present time. Herein, a novel composite, MWCNTs enwrapped with AgBr and Poly(Thiophene-co-Quinoxaline), has been successfully synthesized to study absorption properties in X-bnad frequency range. The primary objective of this study is to increase the microwave absorption performance of composites by regulating their attenuation constant and impedance matching.
    Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0352765

Počet záznamů: 1  

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