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Compressed and expanded lattices - barriers to spin-state switching in Mn.sup.3+./sup. complexes

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    0573860 - FZÚ 2024 RIV US eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Harris, M.M. - Kühne, Irina A. - Kelly, C.T. - Jakobsen, V.B. - Jordan, R. - O’Brien, L. - Müller-Bunz, H. - Felton, S. - Morgan, G.G.
    Compressed and expanded lattices - barriers to spin-state switching in Mn3+ complexes.
    Crystal Growth & Design. Roč. 23, č. 6 (2023), s. 3996-4012. ISSN 1528-7483. E-ISSN 1528-7505
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271
    Klíčová slova: spin crossover * manganese * coordination complex
    Obor OECD: Inorganic and nuclear chemistry
    Impakt faktor: 3.2, rok: 2023
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    We report the structural and magnetic properties of two new Mn3+ complex cations in the spin crossover [Mn(R-sal2323)]+ series, in lattices with seven different counterions in each case. We investigate the effect on the Mn3+ spin state of appending electron-withdrawing and electron-donating groups on the phenolate donors of the ligand. This was achieved by substitution of the ortho and para positions on the phenolate donors with nitro and methoxy substituents in both possible geometric isomeric forms. Using this design paradigm, the [MnL1]+ (a) and [MnL2]+ (b) complex cations were prepared by complexation of Mn3+ to the hexadentate Schiff base ligands with 3-nitro-5-methoxy-phenolate or 3-methoxy-5-nitro-phenolate substituents, respectively. A clear trend emerges with adoption of the spin triplet form in complexes 1a–7a, with the 3-nitro-5-methoxy-phenolate donors, and spin triplet, spin quintet and thermal SCO in complexes 1b–7b with the 3-methoxy-5-nitro-phenolate ligand isomer.
    Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0344212

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