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Fractal Entropy of Nuclear Medium Probed by K.sup.0./sup..sub.S./sub. Mesons Produced in AuAu Collisions at RHIC

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    0573717 - ÚJF 2024 RIV CH eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Tokarev, M. V. - Zborovský, Imrich
    Fractal Entropy of Nuclear Medium Probed by K0S Mesons Produced in AuAu Collisions at RHIC.
    PHYSICS. Roč. 5, č. 2 (2023), s. 537-546. E-ISSN 2624-8174
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:61389005
    Klíčová slova: high energy heavy ion collisions * entropy in heavy ion physics * fractality in heavy ion physics * RHIC
    Obor OECD: Particles and field physics
    Impakt faktor: 1.6, rok: 2022
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    In this paper, we review our findings concerning fractal entropy of microscopic configurations corresponding to the production of K0S mesons in AuAu collisions in the z-scaling approach. The entropy is expressed via structural and fragmentation fractal dimensions, and model parameter cAuAu is interpreted as a specific heat of produced medium. These parameters are related to the respective momentum fractions of the colliding nuclei, the momentum fractions of the scattered constituents that fragment into the produced hadrons, and the multiplicity density of negative particles in the central interaction region. The dependence of the entropy on the collision energy over the range of 7.7-200 GeV for most central and most peripheral events is studied as a function of the transverse momentum of the produced K0S mesons. A non-trivial dependence of the entropy on the collision energy with decreasing transverse momentum is found. This reflects the irregularity of the behavior of the specific heat, cAuAu, and can point to a manifestation of phase transition in nuclear matter.
    Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0344094

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