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Around the world in 500 years: Inter-regional spread of alien species over recent centuries

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    0546610 - BÚ 2022 RIV GB eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Seebens, H. - Blackburn, T. M. - Hulme, P. E. - van Kleunen, M. - Liebhold, A. M. - Orlova-Bienkowskaja, M. - Pyšek, Petr - Schindler, S. - Essl, F.
    Around the world in 500 years: Inter-regional spread of alien species over recent centuries.
    Global Ecology and Biogeography. Roč. 30, č. 8 (2021), s. 1621-1632. ISSN 1466-822X. E-ISSN 1466-8238
    Grant CEP: GA ČR(CZ) GX19-28807X
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985939
    Klíčová slova: biological invasions * inter-regional spread * first records
    Obor OECD: Ecology
    Impakt faktor: 6.909, rok: 2021
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    We analysed changes in the rate and extent of inter-regional spread of alien species over time and how these dynamics vary among major taxonomic groups. Our analysis is based on the Alien Species First Record Database, which comprises >60,000 entries describing the year when an alien species was first recorded in a region (mostly countries and large islands) where it later established as an alien species. Almost all (>90%) species introduced before 1700 are found in more than one region today. Inter-regional spread often took centuries and its intensity increased over time, with particularly steep increases after 1800. Rates of spread peaked for plants in the late 19th century,for birds and invertebrates in the late 20th century, and remained largely constant for mammals and fishes. Inter-regional spread for individual species showed hump-shaped temporal patterns, with the highest rates of spread at intermediate alien range sizes. The large numbers of alien species that are currently observed in only a single region are anticipated to be found in many other regions in the future.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0324941

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