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SYSNO ASEP 0541048 Druh ASEP J - Článek v odborném periodiku Zařazení RIV O - Ostatní Poddruh J Ostatní články Název BLANOKRÍDLOVCE (HYMENOPTERA) NA VYBRANÝCH LOKALITÁCH MALÝCH KARPÁT Překlad názvu Hymenoptera of the selected localities in the Malé Karpaty Mountains Tvůrce(i) Smetana, V. (CZ)
Roller, L. (SK)
Benda, D. (CZ)
Bogusch, P. (CZ)
Holý, P. (CZ)
Karas, Z. (CZ)
Pukart, A. (SK)
Říha, M. (CZ)
Straka, J. (CZ)
Šima, P. (SK)
Erhart, Jan (BC-A)
Halada, M. (CZ)
Holecová, M. (SK)
Horák, J. (CZ)
Klesniaková, M. (SK)
Macek, J. (CZ)
Pavlíková, A. (CZ)
Petráková, L. (CZ)
XII (2020), s. 75-141Poč.str. 67 s. Forma vydání Tištěná - P Jazyk dok. slo - slovenština Země vyd. SK - Slovensko Klíč. slova Hymenoptera ; Symphyta ; Parasitica ; Aculeata ; faunistics ; Malé Karpaty ; Mountains ; Slovakia Vědní obor RIV EG - Zoologie Obor OECD Zoology Institucionální podpora BC-A - RVO:60077344 Anotace Participants of the thirteenth Czech-Slovak Meeting on Hymenoptera carried out faunistic research in the Malé Karpaty Mountains (SW Slovakia). Occurrence of Symphyta, Aculeata and the selected Parasitica were examined in five localities during the vegetation season in 2017. On occasion they visited twelve additional localities in the Malé Karpaty Mountains and Borská nížina Lowland. Together 754 species belonging to 33 families of Hymenoptera were recorded. Twenty one species were recorded for the first time in Slovakia: Endelomyia filipendulae, Fenusella nana, Periclista pilosa, Pseudodineura clematidisrectae (all Tenthredinidae), Andricus galeatus (Cynipidae), Diospilus rugosus, Helcon claviventris (all Braconidae), Homotropus pallipes, Nematopodius debilis, Orthopelma brevicorne, Stilbops vetulus, (all Ichneumonidae), Exallonix ater, Exallonix longicornis (Proctotrupidae), Gasteruption boreale, Gasteruption minutum, Gasteruption nigritarse, Gasteruption undulatum (all Gasteruptiidae), Tachysphex dimidiatus, Tachysphex strigosus (Crabronidae), Colletes hederae (Colletidae) and Lasioglossum aegyptiellum (Halictidae). Our findings proved occurrence of 21 species which so far were known only in historical records in Slovakia. Forty two of the recorded species are important for establishment of protected areas in Slovakia. The richest species composition of Hymenoptera was found in the sandy biotopes of NNR Devínska Kobyla – Sandberg (362 recorded species) and in the locality NNR Devínska Kobyla – Devín (338). Importance of the localities NNR Pohanská (213 species), NNR Kršlenica (160 species) and Stupava – Vrchná hora (148 species) is also significant as indicate the occurrence of many rare, endangered and protected species. Překlad anotace Participants of the thirteenth Czech-Slovak Meeting on Hymenoptera carried out faunistic research in the Malé Karpaty Mountains (SW Slovakia). Occurrence of Symphyta, Aculeata and the selected Parasitica were examined in five localities during the vegetation season in 2017. On occasion they visited twelve additional localities in the Malé Karpaty Mountains and Borská nížina Lowland. Together 754 species belonging to 33 families of Hymenoptera were recorded. Twenty one species were recorded for the first time in Slovakia: Endelomyia filipendulae, Fenusella nana, Periclista pilosa, Pseudodineura clematidisrectae (all Tenthredinidae), Andricus galeatus (Cynipidae), Diospilus rugosus, Helcon claviventris (all Braconidae), Homotropus pallipes, Nematopodius debilis, Orthopelma brevicorne, Stilbops vetulus, (all Ichneumonidae), Exallonix ater, Exallonix longicornis (Proctotrupidae), Gasteruption boreale, Gasteruption minutum, Gasteruption nigritarse, Gasteruption undulatum (all Gasteruptiidae), Tachysphex dimidiatus, Tachysphex strigosus (Crabronidae), Colletes hederae (Colletidae) and Lasioglossum aegyptiellum (Halictidae). Our findings proved occurrence of 21 species which so far were known only in historical records in Slovakia. Forty two of the recorded species are important for establishment of protected areas in Slovakia. The richest species composition of Hymenoptera was found in the sandy biotopes of NNR Devínska Kobyla – Sandberg (362 recorded species) and in the locality NNR Devínska Kobyla – Devín (338). Importance of the localities NNR Pohanská (213 species), NNR Kršlenica (160 species) and Stupava – Vrchná hora (148 species) is also significant as indicate the occurrence of many rare, endangered and protected species. Pracoviště Biologické centrum (od r. 2006) Kontakt Dana Hypšová, eje@eje.cz, Tel.: 387 775 214 Rok sběru 2021 Elektronická adresa http://www.muzeumlevice.sk/index.php?mnu=ZBV12&jazyk=hu&cstyle=blind
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