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Legal situation and current practice of waste incineration bottom ash utilisation in Europe.

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    Blasenbauer, D., Huber, F., Lederer, A., Quina, M.J., Blanc-Biscarat, D., Bogush, A., Bontempi, E., Blondeau, J., Chimenos, J.M., Dahlbo, H., Fagerqvist, J., Giro-Paloma, J., Hjelmar, O., Hyks, J., Keaney, J., Lupsea-Toader, M., O’Caollai, C.J., Orupõld, K., Pajak, T., Simon, F.-G., Svecova, L., Šyc, M., Ulvang, R., Vaajasaari, K., Van Caneghem, J., van Zomeren, A., Vasarevičius, S., Wégner, K., Fellner, J. Legal situation and current practice of waste incineration bottom ash utilisation in Europe. Waste Management. 2020, 102(Feb 1), 868-883. ISSN 0956-053X. E-ISSN 1879-2456. Dostupné z: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2019.11.031.
Počet záznamů: 1  

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