Počet záznamů: 1  

Stress-deformation monitoring of coal pillars during room and pillar extraction at the great depth

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    0479433 - ÚGN 2018 PL eng A - Abstrakt
    Waclawik, Petr - Kukutsch, Radovan - Kajzar, Vlastimil - Staš, Lubomír - Němčík, J. - Nohejl, Zdeněk
    Stress-deformation monitoring of coal pillars during room and pillar extraction at the great depth.
    Górnicze Zagrożenia Naturalne 2017. Katowice: Główny Instytut Górnictwa - Zakład Tąpań i Mechaniki Górotworu, 2017. s. 37-37. ISBN -.
    Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1406; GA MŠMT ED2.1.00/03.0082
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68145535
    Klíčová slova: stress-deformation * monitoring * room and pillar * coal pillar
    Obor OECD: Mining and mineral processing

    A considerable amount of coal reserves are located in protection pillars that lie under built-up region in active mining areas at the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The commonly used controlled caving longwall mining method is not applicable in these areas because significant deformation of the surface is not permitted. For this reason the room and pillar method with stable coal pillars has been tested in order to minimise strata convergence. The trial operation of room and pillar method has been implemented at the shaft protective pillar of CSM Mine where no mining carried out in the past. Mining depth of room and pillar trial ranged from 700 to 900 meters, being perhaps the deepest room and pillar coal mining in the World.Stress-deformation monitoring was essential as this was the first application of the conventional room and pillar mining method within the Upper Silesian Coal Basin mines. More than six kilometres of roadways were driven within two panels during last three years. Second panel was finished in August this year. An extensive monitoring system was implemented to measure the load profile across the coal pillar and the deformation characteristics in the pillar during mining. Two monitored pillars diamond in shape and slightly irregular sides were approximately 860 m2 and 1200 m2 in size into the first mined panel “V” and three monitored pillars were approximately 590 m2, 590 m2 and 730 m2 in size into the second panel “II”. The monitored pillars were selected so that recorded the behaviour of rock masses in different geotechnical conditions. In the context of stress and deformation, the monitoring are covering deformability of rock overlaying the room and pillar roadways, measuring pre-mining stress and stress change monitoring in rock and coal during mining, deformability of coal pillars, load on the installed cable bolts, roadway convergence monitoring. On top of all that the seismology and seismo-acoustic monitoring were carried out.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0275393

Počet záznamů: 1  

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