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K izučeniju kul'tury s keramikoj pražskogo tipa na territorii Moravii: formirovanije i osobennosti

  1. 1.
    0454239 - ARÚB 2016 RIV MD rus J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Jelínková, Dagmar
    K izučeniju kul'tury s keramikoj pražskogo tipa na territorii Moravii: formirovanije i osobennosti.
    [On the problem of Prague-Type Pottery Culture in Moravia: the origins and specifics.]
    Stratum Plus. -, č. 5 (2015), s. 117-150. ISSN 1608-9057. E-ISSN 1857-3533
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68081758
    Klíčová slova: Prague-type pottery culture * Moravia * dating * Cultural relations to the east and South-East * Influence of the Merovingian sphere
    Kód oboru RIV: AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

    V stat'je rassmatrivajutsja osobennosti i datirovka ranneslavjanskoj kul'tury s keramikoj pražskogo tipa (daleje KPT) na severe Srednego Podunav'ja, osobenno v Moravii. Takže udeljaetsja vnimanije voprosu o tom, pod vlijanijem kakich tradicij sformirovalas' kul'tura KPT v Moravii. V svjazi s etim ukazyvajetsja na istoki proischoždenija etoj kul'tury v Vostočnoj Jevrope. Vpolne očevidny jeje svjazi s jugo-vostočnoj territorijej meždu Karpatskoj dugoj, Nižnim Podunav'jem i Dneprom.

    The article is dealing with characteristics and dating of the earliest Slavic culture with Prague-type pottery (PTP) in the area to the north of the Middle Danube, particularly in Moravia. It also addresses the question of which traditions and influences have formed the PTP culture in Moravia. In this regard it points to its origin in the area of East Europe, but the relations to the south-eastern territory between the Carpathian arch, the Lower Danube and Dnieper are also provable.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0254945

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