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Recent Discoveries of Tithonian Ammonites in the Štramberk Limestone (Kotouč Quarry, Outer Western Carpathians)

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    0434927 - ÚGN 2015 RIV PL eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Vašíček, Zdeněk - Skupien, P.
    Recent Discoveries of Tithonian Ammonites in the Štramberk Limestone (Kotouč Quarry, Outer Western Carpathians).
    Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. Roč. 84, č. 2 (2014), s. 131-141. ISSN 0208-9068. E-ISSN 0208-9068
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68145535
    Klíčová slova: ammonites * Richterella * Tithonian * Štramberk area * Silesian Unit
    Kód oboru RIV: DB - Geologie a mineralogie
    Impakt faktor: 0.633, rok: 2014 ; AIS: 0.143, rok: 2014
    Web výsledku:

    Recent discoveries of ammonites in the Štramberk Lime stone in the type area of their occurrence near the town of Štramberk supplement existing data on the Tithonian age of the lime stones. Franconites cf. fascipartitus occurs in the lower part of the Lower Tithonian (Neochetoceras mucronatum Zone). Lemencia ciliata has a zonal character in the upper part of the Lower Tithonian. Richterella richteri is a subzonal species of the upper part of the Lower Tithonian in the Med i ter ra nean and Submediterranean areas (Semiformiceras fallauxi Zone). All of the new discoveries are refer able to the faunal associations of the Submediterranean bioprovince, and are in agreement with exist ing knowledge of it. Sexual dimorphism was seen in the genus Richterella, with the recognition of both macroconchs and microconchs in the type species of Richterella, i.e. R. richteri. The stratigraphic position of these recent ammonite discoveries in the Štramberk Lime stone at the Kotouč Quarry does not support the stratigraphy of the lime stones based on the distribution of calpionellids, as previously assumed by other authors.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0238885

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