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VKFD: Computerized Analysis of Videokymographic Data

  1. 1.
    0395096 - ÚTIA 2014 RIV CZ eng A - Abstrakt
    Novozámský, Adam - Sedlář, Jiří - Zita, Aleš - Herbst, Ch. - Švec, J. G. - Zitová, Barbara - Flusser, Jan
    VKFD: Computerized Analysis of Videokymographic Data.
    PEVOC. Prague: Medical Healthcom, 2013 - (Domagalský, T.). s. 293-294. ISBN 978-80-260-4832-9.
    [PEVOC - Pan Europian Voice Conference /10./. 21.08.2013-24.08.2013, Prague]
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985556
    Klíčová slova: videokymography * feature detection * vocal fold * rima glottidis
    Kód oboru RIV: JD - Využití počítačů, robotika a její aplikace
    http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2013/ZOI/novozamsky-vkfd computerized analysis of videokymographic data.pdf

    Our paper proposes a software solution for the enhancement of videokymographic data and the extraction of typical characteristics of vocal folds vibrations, such as, e.g., the time-varying extent of rima glottidis and the progression of mucosal waves, and corresponding vibration parameters (e.g. frequency, symmetries, amplitude). The proposed methodology is based on well-established digital image processing methods; namely image denoising, edge detection, image segmentation, and object identification. The set of evaluated features was designed by experts, drawing on their longtime expertise with videokymography.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0224133

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