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A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Haploporus Looss, 1902 and Lecithobotrys Looss, 1902

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    0335227 - BC 2010 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Blasco-Costa, I. - Gibson, D. I. - Balbuena, J. A. - Raga, J. A. - Kostadinova, Aneta
    A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Haploporus Looss, 1902 and Lecithobotrys Looss, 1902.
    Systematic Parasitology. Roč. 73, č. 2 (2009), s. 107-133. ISSN 0165-5752. E-ISSN 1573-5192
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LC522
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518
    Keywords : taxonomic revision * Haploporidae * Haploporus * Lecithobothrys * Mugilidae
    Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine
    Impact factor: 0.911, year: 2009

    The status of the nominal species of Haploporus and Lecithobotrys is re-assessed by means of a morphological study based on newly collected specimens from the Mediterranean, the re-examination of museum material and a critical evaluation of published data. H. benedeni is redescribed and H. lateralis is considered to be its junior synonym. Additional data are given for H. pseudoindicus, H. spinosus and H. magnisaccus. Five species parasitising Valamugil spp. from the Indo-West Pacific region are considered incertae sedis with respect to their generic affiliation. Three species are designated as species inquirendae and one is considered to be a nomen nudum. L. putrescens is redescribed. Pseudolecithobotrys n. g. is erected to accommodate Lecithobotrys stomachicola from the North Pacific. L. aegyptiacus is considered to be a synonym of Saccocoelium tensum and three species are regarded as species inquirendae. New generic diagnoses are presented for both Haploporus and Lecithobotrys.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0179745

Počet záznamů: 1  

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