Počet záznamů: 1
Study of latent tracks by a charge particle transmission technique
- 1.Vacík, Jiří - Červená, Jarmila - Hnatowicz, Vladimír - Fink, D. - Kobayashi, Y. - Hirtat, K. - Apel, P. Y. - Strauss, P.
Study of latent tracks by a charge particle transmission technique.
Radiation Measurements. Roč. 31, - (1999), s. 81-84. ISSN 1350-4487. E-ISSN 1879-0925
Grant CEP: GA ČR GA202/96/0077; GA AV ČR KSK1010601
Impakt faktor: 0.572, rok: 1999
Počet záznamů: 1