Počet záznamů: 1
Structural Basis for Unusually Long-Wavelenght Charge Transfer Transitions in Complexes [MCl(ECH2CH2NME2)(PR3)] (E=Te, Se; M=Pt, Pd): Experimental Results and TD-DFT Calculations
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SYSNO ASEP 0181448 Druh ASEP J - Článek v odborném periodiku Zařazení RIV J - Článek v odborném periodiku Poddruh J Ostatní články Název Structural Basis for Unusually Long-Wavelenght Charge Transfer Transitions in Complexes [MCl(ECH2CH2NME2)(PR3)] (E=Te, Se; M=Pt, Pd): Experimental Results and TD-DFT Calculations Tvůrce(i) Dey, S. (IN)
Jain, V. K. (IN)
Knödler, A. (DE)
Klein, A. (DE)
Kaim, W. (DE)
Záliš, Stanislav (UFCH-W) RID, ORCIDZdroj.dok. Inorganic Chemistry. - : American Chemical Society - ISSN 0020-1669
Roč. 41, č. 11 (2002), s. 2864-2870Poč.str. 7 s. Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Země vyd. US - Spojené státy americké Klíč. slova platinum (II( complexes ; palladium (II) ; spectroelectrochemistry Vědní obor RIV CF - Fyzikální chemie a teoretická chemie CEP ME 439 GA MŠMT - Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy OC D15.10 GA MŠMT - Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy CEZ AV0Z4040901 - UFCH-W Anotace A series of new complexes, the blue compounds [PdCl(TeCH2CH2NMe2)(PR3)] (PR3 = PEt3, PPr3n, PBu3n, PMe2Ph, PMePh2, PPh3, PTol(3)) and the red [PtCl(TeCH2CH2NMe2)(PR3)] (PR3 = PMe2Ph, PMePh2), were synthesized and studied spectroscopically (H-1 and P-31 NMR, UV/vis) and by cyclic voltammetry. The structures of [PdCl(TeCH2CH2NMe2)(PPr3n)] (2b) [PdCl(TeCH2CH2NMe2)(PMePh2)] (2e), [PtCl(TeCH2CH2NMe2)(PMePh2)] (2i), and the related [PtCl(SeCH2CH2NMe2)(PEt3)] (3) were determined crystallographically, revealing a typical pattern of trans-positioned neutral N and P donor atoms in an approximately square planar setting. The molecules 2b, 2e, and 2i were calculated by TD-DFT methodology to understand the origin of the weak (epsilon approximate to 200 M-1 cm(-1)) long-wavelength bands at about 600 nm for Pd/Te complexes such as 2b or 2e, at ca. 460 nm for Pt/Te systems such as 21, and at about 405 nm for Me analogues such as 3. These transitions are identified as charge transfer transitions. Pracoviště Ústav fyzikální chemie J.Heyrovského Kontakt Michaela Knapová, michaela.knapova@jh-inst.cas.cz, Tel.: 266 053 196 Rok sběru 2003
Počet záznamů: 1