Počet záznamů: 1
Two Nations or One? (Political Culture among Czech Students during the 1990's)
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SYSNO ASEP 0158153 Druh ASEP J - Článek v odborném periodiku Zařazení RIV J - Článek v odborném periodiku Poddruh J Ostatní články Název Two Nations or One? (Political Culture among Czech Students during the 1990's) Tvůrce(i) Klicperová-Baker, Martina (PSU-E) RID, ORCID, SAI
Hofstetter, C. R. (CZ)
Feierabend, I. K. (CZ)Zdroj.dok. Bulletin PsÚ. - : Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. - ISSN 1211-216X
Roč. 6, č. 2 (2000), s. 1-33Poč.str. 33 s. Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Země vyd. CZ - Česká republika Klíč. slova democracy ; Czech Republic ; political change Vědní obor RIV AN - Psychologie CEP GA406/00/0587 GA ČR - Grantová agentura ČR Anotace Independent non-probability samples of Czech Charles Universitystudents during the early and late 1990's (N=92 and N=110), andof American SDSU university students during a similar period (N=55 andN=69) were used to test the hypothesis that social, economic, andpolitical stressors can create a cultural malaise assumed to underminedemocracy thereby creating "two nations". Respondents were asked toindicate intensity of disagree-agreement with 48 statements designedto represent the civic culture paradigm. Statements were embedded ina longer questionnaire about important political, social, and economicissues. The data matrix was then transposed and analyzed using standardQ-analysis procedures. Findings suggest that a fairly strong commitmentto democratic life was maintained among Czech students, despitethe banality of much of political, social, and economic life, anddespite many of the vicissitudes of a society that has been rapidlyliberalizing. Czech students became slightly more populist, lesstrusting of government authority, and more alienated, but appear tohave continued to endorse democratic participation. During the period,the American comparison student group became slightly less populist andmore alienated. Thus, a Czech student elite maintained the singlenationhood of their liberal democratic traditions during the traumaticevents of the 1990's. Pracoviště Psychologický ústav Kontakt Štěpánka Halamová, Halamova@praha.psu.cas.cz, Tel.: 222 222 096 Rok sběru 2001
Počet záznamů: 1