Počet záznamů: 1
Transitions from the SmC.sup.*./sup. of SmC.sup.*./sup..sub.A./sub. phases to the tiltes hexatic phases studied by the dielectric spectroscopy
- 1.Glogarová, Milada - Novotná, Vladimíra - Rychetský, Ivan - Kašpar, Miroslav - Hamplová, Věra
Transitions from the SmC* of SmC*A phases to the tiltes hexatic phases studied by the dielectric spectroscopy.
Ferroelectrics. Roč. 277, - (2002), s. 209-218. ISSN 0015-0193. E-ISSN 1563-5112
Grant CEP: GA ČR GA202/99/1120; GA ČR GA202/00/1187
Impakt faktor: 0.408, rok: 2002
Počet záznamů: 1