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Short-term partitioning of 14C-[U]-glucose in the soil microbial pool under varied aeration status

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    0105453 - UPB-H 20043058 RIV DE eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Šantrůčková, Hana - Picek, T. - Tykva, Richard - Šimek, Miloslav - Pavlů, Bohuslav
    Short-term partitioning of 14C-[U]-glucose in the soil microbial pool under varied aeration status.
    [Krátkodobá distribuce 14C značené glukózy do půdních mikroorganismů v podmínkách rozdílné aerace.]
    Biology and Fertility of Soils. Roč. 40, - (2004), s. 386-392. ISSN 0178-2762. E-ISSN 1432-0789
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GA206/02/1036
    Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z6066911
    Klíčová slova: carbon partitioning * priming action * microbial biomass
    Kód oboru RIV: EH - Ekologie - společenstva
    Impakt faktor: 1.276, rok: 2004

    The effect of soil aeration status on carbon partitioning of a labelled organic substrate (14C-[U]-glucose) into CO2, microbial biomass, and extra-cellular metabolites is described. The soil was incubated in a continuous flow incubation apparatus under four different aeration conditions: (1) permanently aerobic, (2) permanently anaerobic, (3) shifted from anaerobic to aerobic, and (4) shifted from aerobic to anaerobic. The soil was pre-incubated for 10 days either under aerobic or under anaerobic conditions. Afterwards, glucose was added (315 µg C g-1) and the soils were incubated for 72 h according to four treatments: aerobic or anaerobic conditions maintained, aerobic conditions shifted to anaerobic conditions and anaerobic conditions shifted to aerobic conditions. Carbon partitioning was measured 0, 8, 16, 24, 48, and 72 h after the glucose addition. In permanently aerobic conditions, the largest part of the consumed glucose was built into microbial biomass (72%), much less was mineralised to CO2 (27%), and only a negligible portion was transformed to soluble extra-cellular metabolites. Microbial metabolism was strongly inhibited when aeration conditions were changed from aerobic to anaerobic, with only about 35% of the added glucose consumed during the incubation. The consumed glucose was transformed proportionally to microbial biomass and CO2. In permanently anaerobic conditions, 42% of the consumed glucose was transformed into microbial biomass, 30% to CO2, and 28% to extra-cellular metabolites. After a shift of anaerobic to aerobic conditions, microbial metabolism was not suppressed and the consumed glucose was transformed mainly to microbial biomass (75%) and CO2 (23%). Concomitant mineralisation of soil organic carbon was always lower in anaerobic than in aerobic conditions.

    Byla studována distribuce značené 14C glukózy do mikrobní biomasy, oxidu uhličitého a extracelulárních metabolitů. Půda byla inkubována v anaerobních a aerobních podmínkách a při střídání aerobních a anaerobních period. V aerobních podmínkách byla glukóza zabudovávána hlavně do mikrobní biomasy (72%) a do oxidu uhličitého (27%), zatímco v anaerobních podmínkách do mikrobní biomasy bylo zabudováno pouze 42% a 30% do extracelulárních metabolitů. Na oxid uhličitý bylo přeměněno srovnatelné množství jako v aerobních podmínkách (30%). Při změně aerobních podmínek na anaerobní došlo k dočasnému zpomalení mikrobního metabolismu, zatímco změna z podmínek anaerobních na aerobní toto zpomalení nepřinesla.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0012696

Počet záznamů: 1  

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