Počet záznamů: 1
Wing airfoil ice accretion model
- 1.Hoření, Bohumír - Horák, V.
Wing airfoil ice accretion model.
The 31st Internationally attended scientific conference of the military technical academy. Modern technologies in the 21st century. Bucharest: Military technical academy, 2005, 3.56-3.62. ISBN 973-640-074-3.
[Internationally attended scientific conference /31./ : modern technologies in the XXI century. Bucharest (RO), 03.11.2005-04.11.2005]
Grant CEP: GA AV ČR KSK2076106; GA ČR GA103/04/0970; GA MPO FT-TA/026
Počet záznamů: 1