Počet záznamů: 1
Novel Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
- 1.0475920 - ÚEM 2018 RIV CZ eng M - Část monografie knihy
Růžička, Jiří - Jendelová, Pavla - Syková, Eva
Biomaterials for Spinal Cord Injury Implantation.
Novel Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine. 2016: Epika, 2016 - (Caraglia, M.; Desiderio, V.), s. 78-92. ISBN 978-80-88113-69-0
Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1309
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378041
Klíčová slova: spinal cord injury * biomaterials * hydrogel * regeneration
Obor OECD: Neurosciences (including psychophysiology
One of the experimental methods to treat spinal cord injury is the use of biomaterials that bridge the existing cavity. Biomaterial characteristics such as composition, presence of a porous structure or modifying the hydrogel surface with molecules recognized by endogenous or implanted cells are key players in efficiently bridging the spinal cord injury lesion.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0272502
Počet záznamů: 1