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Numerical Modelling of Destress Blasting - A State-of-the-Art Review

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    0566750 - ÚGN 2023 RIV PL eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Miao, S. - Koníček, Petr - Pan, P.-Z. - Mitri, H.
    Numerical Modelling of Destress Blasting - A State-of-the-Art Review.
    Journal of Sustainable Mining. Roč. 21, č. 4 (2022), s. 278-297. ISSN 2300-3960. E-ISSN 2300-3960
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68145535
    Klíčová slova: destress blasting * numerical modelling * blasting process * rock mass fracturing * destress blasting design
    Obor OECD: Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics
    Impakt faktor: 1, rok: 2022
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    As a proactive mine safety measure against the occurrence of rockburst, destress blasting has been applied to numerous mining conditions to precondition highly stressed rock mass to mitigate the risk of rockburst occurrence in deep mines as well as in deep underground constructions. However, the application of destress blasting mostly depends on engineering experience, while its mechanism and efficiency have not been well understood. Rapid advances in computer technology have made numerical simulation an economical and effective method to study the rock blasting effect. Enormous research efforts have been made to numerically investigate the blasting fracture mechanism, optimize blasting design, and assess the efficiency of destress blasting. This review focuses on the state-of-the-art progress in numerical modelling associated with destress blasting over the last two decades. Some commonly used modelling approaches for destressing blasting are compared and reviewed. Currently, two different ways of modelling based on static and dynamic modes are typically used to study the effect of blasting. In the static method, destress blasting is simulated by modifying the rock mass’s stiffness and strength properties to obtain the post-blast stress state in the destressed zone. The dynamic modelling technique focuses on the dynamic fracture process of coals and rock masses, during which the predetermination of the damage induced by blasting is not necessary. Moreover, the extent of damage zones around the blast hole can be precisely estimated in the dynamic modelling method by considering time-varying blast pressure and strain rate dependency on the strength of rock mass but at the cost of increased computation and complexity. Besides, different destress blasting modelling methods, generally classified into continuum-based, discrete-based, and coupled methods, are compared and reviewed. The fracture mechanism of blasting in the rock mass is revealed, and the destressing efficiency of the existing destress blasting design is assessed and compared with classical results. The factors that may affect the efficiency of destress blasting are summarized. Finally, the difficulties and challenges associated with the numerical modelling of destress blasting are highlighted briefly.
    Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0338044

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