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Interaction of doughnut-shaped laser pulses with glasses

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    0481237 - FZÚ 2018 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Zhukov, V.P. - Rubenchik, A.M. - Fedoruk, M.P. - Bulgakova, Nadezhda M.
    Interaction of doughnut-shaped laser pulses with glasses.
    Journal of the Optical Society of America. B. Roč. 34, č. 2 (2017), s. 463-471. ISSN 0740-3224. E-ISSN 1520-8540
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LO1602; GA MŠMT EF15_003/0000445; GA MŠMT LM2015086
    Grant - others:OP VVV - BIATRI(XE) CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000445
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
    Keywords : femtosecond-laser * transparent materials * wave-guides * photonic devices * fused-silica * dielectrics * media * filamentation * fabrication * ionization
    OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
    Impact factor: 2.048, year: 2017

    Non-Gaussian laser beams can open new opportunities for microfabrication, including ultrashort laser direct writing. Using a model based on Maxwell's equations, we have investigated the dynamics of doughnut-shaped laser beams focused inside fused silica glass, in comparison with Gaussian pulses of the same energy. The laser propagation dynamics reveals intriguing features of beam splitting and sudden collapse toward the beam axis, overcoming the intensity clamping effect. The resulting structure of light absorption represents a very hot, hollow nanocylinder, which can lead to an implosion process that brings matter to extreme thermodynamic states.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0276831

Počet záznamů: 1  

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