Počet záznamů: 1
A simple and efficient procedure for capillary blood spiking with basic and acidic drugs for subsequent dried blood spot analysis
- 1.0509090 - ÚIACH 2020 PL eng A - Abstrakt
Dvořák, Miloš - Ryšavá, Lenka - Kubáň, Pavel
A simple and efficient procedure for capillary blood spiking with basic and acidic drugs for subsequent dried blood spot analysis.
CECE 2019. Gdańsk: University of Gdańsk, 2019. s. 25-25.
[CECE 2019. International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis /16./. 24.09.2019-26.09.2019, Gdańsk]
Grant CEP: GA ČR(CZ) GA18-13135S
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68081715
Klíčová slova: dry blood spot * basic drugs * DBS technique * bioanalysis
Obor OECD: Analytical chemistry
In the actual contribution, a simple process was developed and optimized for effective IS addition and DBS elution. A group of acidic and/or basic drugs, with different chemical characteristics, was added to the collected capillary blood in different ways and the mixture was transferred onto the DBS collection card (903®Whatman™). Various elution procedures were also examined and are discussed. Direct injection of the eluted DBS sample into CE-UV ensured a rapid and reliable determination of the drugs without the need for any additional pretreatment steps (extraction, preconcentration). The contents of analytes in the dissolved eluates were determined and recoveries >70% were achieved for the optimized elution systems with satisfactory repeatability (RSD <5%).
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0299879
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Počet záznamů: 1