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Phytoremediation of heavy metals by sunflower and corn plants

  1. 1.
    0194886 - UOCHB-X 20030194 RIV GR eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
    Soudek, Petr - Tykva, Richard - Kališová, Ivana - Vaněk, Tomáš
    Phytoremediation of heavy metals by sunflower and corn plants.
    Proceedings of the Second European Bioremediation Conference. Crete: Technical University of Crete, 2003, s. 353-356.
    [European Bioremediation Conference /2./. Chania (GR), 30.06.2003-04.07.2003]
    Grant CEP: GA AV ČR IBS4055014; GA MŠMT OC 837.10
    Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4055905
    Klíčová slova: phytoremediation * heavy metals
    Kód oboru RIV: DK - Kontaminace a dekontamin. půdy vč. pesticidů

    The aim of our study was focused on phytoremediation under semi-laboratory conditions. Heavily polluted soil by Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were used for experiment. The plant of corn and sunflower was cultivated in pot on two types of contaminated soils from polluted area "Holýšov" during three vegetation periods (years: 2000, 2001 and 2002.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0090556


Počet záznamů: 1  

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