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Empresses of Late Byzantium. Foreign Brides, Mediators and Pious Women

  1. 1.
    0507472 - SLÚ 2020 RIV DE eng B - Monography
    Melichar, Petra
    Empresses of Late Byzantium. Foreign Brides, Mediators and Pious Women.
    Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019. 497 s. ISBN 978-3-631-74667-7; ISBN 978-3-631-79167-7; ISBN 978-3-631-79168-4; ISBN 978-3-631-79169-1
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GP14-08304P
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : empresses * Byzatine Empire * Late Middle Ages
    OECD category: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

    With the exception of the wife of Andronikos III Palaiologos, Anna of Savoy, who acted as regent of Byzantium from 1341 to 1347, the lives of the late Byzantine empresses have so far received little scholarly attention. This study presents the biographies of all fifteen empresses of the Palaiologan dynasty and, based on their experiences, follows the development of the role and position of an empress in the last centuries of the empire. The final analysis considers the selection process for imperial brides and the rituals accompanying their arrival in Constantinople. The author also inquires into their role in public, ritual, and ecclesiastical life and their most important social roles at various stages of life.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0298484

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Počet záznamů: 1  

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