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Production of ϒ(nS) mesons in Pb + Pb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
- 1.0577503 - FZÚ 2024 RIV US eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Chudoba, Jiří - Hejbal, Jiří - Jačka, Petr - Kepka, Oldřich - Kroll, Jiří - Kupčo, Alexander - Latoňová, Věra - Lokajíček, Miloš - Lysák, Roman - Marčišovský, Michal - Mikeštíková, Marcela - Němeček, Stanislav - Penc, Ondřej - Šícho, Petr - Staroba, Pavel - Svatoš, Michal - Taševský, Marek … celkem 2899 autorů
Production of ϒ(nS) mesons in Pb + Pb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV.
Physical Review C. Roč. 107, č. 5 (2023), č. článku 054912. ISSN 2469-9985. E-ISSN 2469-9993
Výzkumná infrastruktura: CERN-CZ III - 90240
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271
Klíčová slova: nucleon * pair * dimuon * decay * upsilon mesons: production
Obor OECD: Particles and field physics
Impakt faktor: 3.2, rok: 2023 ; AIS: 0.678, rok: 2023
Způsob publikování: Open access
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.107.054912
A measurement of the production of vector bottomonium states, ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S), and ϒ(3S), in Pb+Pb and pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV is presented. The data correspond to integrated luminosities of 1.38nb−1 of Pb+Pb data collected in 2018, 0.44nb−1 of Pb+Pb data collected in 2015, and 0.26fb−1 of pp data collected in 2017 by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are performed in the dimuon decay channel for transverse momentum pTμμ<30GeV, absolute rapidity |yμμ|<1.5, and Pb+Pb event centrality 0–80%. The production rates of the three bottomonium states in Pb+Pb collisions are compared with those in pp collisions to extract the nuclear modification factors as functions of event centrality, pTμμ, and |yμμ|. In addition, the suppression of the excited states relative to the ground state is studied. The results are compared with theoretical model calculations.
Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0346626
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