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Energy Sensitive Imaging of Focused and Scanning Ion Microbeams with µm Spatial and µs Time Resolution
- 1.0565860 - ÚJF 2023 RIV FR eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
Granja, C. - Oancea, C. - Macková, Anna - Havránek, Vladimír - Olšanský, Václav
Energy Sensitive Imaging of Focused and Scanning Ion Microbeams with µm Spatial and µs Time Resolution.
EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 261. Les ulis: EDP sciences, 2022, č. článku 01007. E-ISSN 2100-014X.
[Applied Nuclear Physics Conference (ANPC 2021). Prague (CZ), 12.09.2021-17.09.2021]
Výzkumná infrastruktura: CANAM II - 90056
Institucionální podpora: RVO:61389005
Klíčová slova: ion microbeam * detectors
Obor OECD: Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect)
Web výsledku:
https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202226101007DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202226101007
We inspected and imaged the delivery of ion microbeams with spatial, time and energy sensitivity. Quantum imaging registration event- by-event is provided in high spatial and time resolution with the positionsensitive semiconductor pixel detector Timepix. The detector is operated as a miniaturized radiation camera for flexible measurements at room temperature and in vacuum. Imaging information on beam profile, spatial and time distribution, flux, homogeneity, and deposited energy for individual beam particles is provided. Focused and scanning beams can be imaged and evaluated online. Single particles are registered by the detector including spectral (deposited energy) information on their position at the µm and µs level. Delivered beams can be characterized also in terms of composition by resolving background and unwanted components such as electrons and X rays from primary beam particles. Ion groups of different energy including doublets or scattered particles can be identified. The technique is applicable for ions of energy above few hundred keV and beams of low intensity, below 105 particles/cm2/s.
Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0337352
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Počet záznamů: 1