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Measurement of strong electromagnetic pulses generated from solid targets at sub-ns kJ-class PALS laser facility

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    0543762 - FZÚ 2022 RIV GB eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Rączka, P. - Cikhardt, J. - Pfeifer, Miroslav - Krása, Josef - Krupka, Michal - Burian, Tomáš - Krůs, M. - Pisarczyk, T. - Dostál, Jan - Dudžák, Roman - Badziak, J.
    Measurement of strong electromagnetic pulses generated from solid targets at sub-ns kJ-class PALS laser facility.
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Roč. 63, č. 8 (2021), č. článku 085015. ISSN 0741-3335. E-ISSN 1361-6587
    Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) LM2018114; GA ČR GA19-02545S
    GRANT EU: European Commission(XE) 654148 - LASERLAB-EUROPE
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271
    Klíčová slova: electromagnetic pulses * D-dot probes * hot electrons * laser-plasma interactions
    Obor OECD: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
    Impakt faktor: 2.532, rok: 2021
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    Measurements had been performed of strong electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) generated as a result of laser–target interaction at the sub-ns kJ-class Prague Asterix Laser System facility. Two conductive Prodyn FD5C D-dot pencil probes were used. Measurements were performed inside the experimental chamber and outside the chamber in a large chamber window 40 cm in diameter in a setup that guaranteed 6 GHz bandwidth. The EMP signal in the time domain was found to have the form of a sharp initial spike followed by gradually decaying oscillations interspersed with some secondary spikes. The values of the vertical component of the electric field strength were estimated. The highest value recorded in this experiment was 620+260−180 kV m−1 at a distance of 40 cm from the target. It was observed that plastic targets—particularly the 100s of μm thick plastic foils—tend to generate stronger EMP fields than Cu and Au targets.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0320907

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