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Impact of water level on species quantity and composition grown from the soil seed bank of the inland salt marsh: An ex-situ experiment

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    0539775 - BÚ 2021 RIV CH eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Čížková, E. - Navrátilová, Jana - Martinát, S. - Navrátil, J. - Frazier, R. J.
    Impact of water level on species quantity and composition grown from the soil seed bank of the inland salt marsh: An ex-situ experiment.
    Land. Roč. 9, č. 12 (2020), č. článku 533. E-ISSN 2073-445X
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985939
    Klíčová slova: soil * salt marshes * vegetation
    Obor OECD: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
    Impakt faktor: 3.398, rok: 2020
    Způsob publikování: Open access

    The near elimination of inland salt marshes in Central Europe occurred throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and the currently remaining marshes exist in a degraded condition. This work examines the impact of groundwater level on the growth of plants from a seed bank obtained from a degraded salt marsh in proximity to still existing one through an ex-situ experiment. An experimental tank was set up with the sample seed bank experiencing differing levels of water level. There were 1233 specimens of 44 taxa grown from the seed bank, of which 5 species were abundant, and 10 species are considered as halophytes. Only Lotus tenuis from halophytes was more abundant, and only five species of halophytes were represented by more than three individuals. The water level has a significant impact on the number of species (based on linear regression analysis) as well as species distribution among different water level treatments (a non-metric multidimensional analysis (nMDS) followed by linear regression). The results show a strong negative relationship between the average water level and the number of species. The water level did not affect the species composition of halophytes, but differences in individual species abundances were found among the halophytes. The species Bupleurum tenuissimum, Crypsis schoenoides, Melilotus dentatus, and Plantago maritima grew on the drier and non-inundated soils. Tripolium pannonicum, Spergularia maritima, and Lotus tenuis grew on both wet and dry soils. Trifolium fragiferum and Bolboschoenus maritimus were found in places with water stagnant at the soil level. Pulicaria dysenterica grew in inundated soil.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0317475

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