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2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020

  1. 1.
    0532404 - ÚMG 2021 RIV CZ eng U - Uspořádání akce
    Sedláček, Radislav
    2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020.
    Vestec: Institute of Molecular Genetics of the czech Academy of Sciences, 2020. ISBN 978-80-907896-0-9.
    [Vestec, 17.09.2020-18.09.2020, (K-EUR 107/11)]
    Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) LM2018126; GA MŠMT EF16_013/0001789; GA MŠMT EF18_046/0015861
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378050
    Klíčová slova: Phenogenomics * therapeutics * immunity * genetic base of diseases
    Obor OECD: Genetics and heredity (medical genetics to be 3)
    Web výsledku:

    The conference was divided into two blocks. The block focused on the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which emphasized the translation of the basic research into the application. The second block was specifically devoted to presentation of CCP users and cooperation partners projects working in the field of immunology, hematology, genetic base of diseases, and neurobiology.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0310908
    Název souboruStaženoVelikostKomentářVerzePřístup
    CCP2020_sbornik.pdf425.2 MBVydavatelský postprintpovolen
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