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The non-indigenous fishes in the fauna of Ukraine: a potentia ad actum

  1. 1.
    0506483 - ÚBO 2019 RIV FI eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Kvach, Yuriy - Kutsokon, Y.
    The non-indigenous fishes in the fauna of Ukraine: a potentia ad actum.
    BioInvasions Records. Roč. 6, č. 3 (2017), s. 269-279. ISSN 2242-1300. E-ISSN 2242-1300
    Grant CEP: GA ČR(CZ) GBP505/12/G112
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68081766
    Klíčová slova: ichthyofauna * invasive species * Mediterranization * intentional introduction * range expansion
    Obor OECD: Biodiversity conservation
    Impakt faktor: 1.189, rok: 2017

    This is a review of the literature on non-indigenous fishes in Ukrainian freshwaters and coastal marine waters. Excluding the cases of unsuccessful introductions and occasional findings, the list of established non-indigenous fish species in Ukraine contains 27 species. Nine of these species have been deliberately introduced and are commercially stocked, though natural spawning has not yet been confirmed. The list of successfully naturalized introductions includes 19 fish species, eight of which can be considered as invasive due to their continued range expansion with probable negative influences on aboriginal fauna. The remaining species on the list are restricted in their distribution and form localised populations. Neolimnetics and Mediterranean species were not considered as non-indigenous because of their native status in major Ukrainian rivers, coastal waters, and/or adjacent waters of the Black Sea. This review highlights the major research gaps in the distribution and status of native and non-native fishes in Ukraine, which has considerable implications for the management of biodiversity and aquatic invasive species.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0297712

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