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Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges?

  1. 1.
    0421830 - BÚ 2014 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Parker, J. - Torchin, M. E. - Hufbauer, R. A. - Lemoine, N. P. - Alba, Christina - Blumenthal, D. M. - Bossdorf, O. - Byers, J. E. - Dunn, A. M. - Heckman, R. W. - Hejda, Martin - Jarošík, Vojtěch - Kanarek, A. R. - Martin, L. B. - Perkins, S. E. - Pyšek, Petr - Schierenbeck, K. - Schlöder, C. - van Klinken, R. - Vaughn, K. J. - Williams, W. - Wolfe, L.M.
    Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges?
    Ecology. Roč. 94, č. 5 (2013), s. 985-994. ISSN 0012-9658. E-ISSN 1939-9170
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP505/11/1112; GA ČR GA206/09/0563
    Institutional support: RVO:67985939
    Keywords : animal diversion * biogeography * comaprative demography
    Subject RIV: EF - Botanics
    Impact factor: 5.000, year: 2013

    The paper aimed to compare the performance of various animal and plant species between their native and invaded ranges and focused on both plant and animal invaders. The author team used metadata from various published studies on 26 plant and 27 animal species. The main conclusion is that although species do better in the invaded ranges on average, there is a big inter-species residual variability concerning this pattern and many species actually perform similarly in both ranges.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0228126

Počet záznamů: 1  

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