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Vspomogatelnye istoričeskije distsipliny

  1. 1.
    0336465 - SLÚ 2010 RIV RU rus M - Monography Chapter
    Jančárková, Julie
    K istorii vzaimootnošenij N. L. Okuněva i N. J. Marra.
    [To the History on the Relations between N. L. Okunev and N. Ja. Marr.]
    Vspomogatelnye istoričeskije distsipliny. Vol. 30. Sankt-Peterburg: Dmitrij Bulanin, 2007 - (Irošnikov, M.), s. 495-513. ISBN 978-5-86007-571-9
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90920516
    Keywords : Marr, N. Ja. * Ani * Armenia
    Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

    Načalo rabočich vzaimootnošenij istorika iskusstva N. L. Okuneva s vostokovedom i lingvistom, akademikom Nikolajem Jakovlevičem Marrom otnosjatsja k 1911 g. – očerednomu sezonu archeologičeskich raskopok v Ani, stolice srednevekovoj Armenii, načatych Marrom v 1892 g. Dannaja publikacija soderžit pjat' pisem Okuneva Marru i vstupite'nuju stat'ju, gde vpervyje ocharakterizovyvajutsja te naučnye projekty Marra v Armenii, v kotorych prinimal učastije N.L. Okunev, utočnjajetsja krug vybrannych Okunevym tem i rezultaty provedennoj im raboty, značanije rabočego kontakta s Marrom dlja tvorčeskogo rosta molodogo specialista.

    One of the greatest archeological activity of the emperial Russia was the escavation in Ani — the capital of the medieval kingdom of Armenia — was began by orientalist lingvist academician N. Ja. Marr in year 1892. In the archeological season of 1911 began working contacts between Marr and the historian of art N. L. Okunev. The artical is devoted to five Okunev’s letters to Marr and has a description of Marr’s scientific projects in Armenia with Okunev’s partisipant. The question is the more precise definition of the thems were choosed by Okunev and issues of his work. Okunev’s working contacts with Marr had the great significance for the creativity of the young researcher.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0180691

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