Počet záznamů: 1
Ion induced kinetic electron emission from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by impact of H.sup.+./sup., C.sup.+./sup., N.sup.+./sup., and O.sup.+./sup.
- 1.0303937 - URE-Y 20020147 RIV NL eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Lörinčík, Jan - Šroubek, Zdeněk - Cernusca, S. - Diem, A. - Winter, H. P. - Aumayr, F.
Ion induced kinetic electron emission from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by impact of H+, C+, N+, and O+.
Surface Science. Roč. 504, č. 1 (2002), s. 59-65. ISSN 0039-6028. E-ISSN 1879-2758
Grant CEP: GA AV ČR IAA1067801
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2067918
Klíčová slova: electron emission * graphite * ionisation
Kód oboru RIV: BM - Fyzika pevných látek a magnetismus
Impakt faktor: 2.140, rok: 2002
Total electron yields from highly oriented pyrolitic graphiíte (HOPG) heve been measured for perpendicular impact of H+, C+, N+, and O+ projectile ions with kinetic energies from a few hundred eV up to 30 keV. The data are interpreted within a model for kinetic electron emission based on non-adiabatic pertrubation of the valence band electrons by the moving particle.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0114081
Počet záznamů: 1