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Influence of Size of Ionization Detector Electrode on Signal Detection in Environmental Conditions

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    0205409 - UPT-D 20010049 RIV IT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Jirák, Josef - Autrata, Rudolf - Drnovský, Radek
    Influence of Size of Ionization Detector Electrode on Signal Detection in Environmental Conditions.
    Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Lecce: Rinton Press, 2001 - (Dini, L.; Catalano, M.), s. 523-524. ISBN 1-58949-003-7.
    [MCEM '01 /5./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Lecce (IT), 20.09.2001-25.09.2001]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IBS2065107
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2065902
    Keywords : environmental scanning electron microscopy * ionization detector
    Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering

    Environmental scanning electron microscopy enables observation of samples in environment with elevated pressure. Ionization detector is one of several types of detectors used at conditions of higher pressure in the specimen chamber. It detects signal of secondary and backscattered electrons. Its circular electrode is placed above the specimen and creates an electrostatic field in the space between specimen and detector. Signal of electrons is amplified in this field in the process of impact ionization and is detected by this electrode.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0101023


Počet záznamů: 1  

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