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Formation and Location of Thoron Daughter Deposits on Solid Surfaces

  1. 1.
    0181157 - UFCH-W 20010067 RIV BE eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
    Jech, Čestmír - Kubašta, J. - Pospíšil, S.
    Formation and Location of Thoron Daughter Deposits on Solid Surfaces.
    Proceedings of the Third Eurosymposium on Protection agains Radon. Liege, 2001, s. 81-83.
    [Eurosymposium on Protection against Radon /3./. Liege (BE), 10.05.2001-11.05.2001]
    Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4040901
    Klíčová slova: surface located * recoil injected * ion drift and nuclear recoil
    Kód oboru RIV: CF - Fyzikální chemie a teoretická chemie

    A description of the role played by diffusion, ion drift and nuclear recoil in the process of deposition of thoron daughters on solid surfaces is presented. Such a description and the origin of "surface located" and "recoil injected" form of deposit is supported by the results of experiments in which the kinetics of ion drift of 216 Po(ThA), yields of 208 Tl(ThD) recoil emission from thoron daughter deposits and not dissolved fractions of the activity of the daughter were measured.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0077751


Počet záznamů: 1  

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