Počet záznamů: 1
Regulation of mitochondrial contact sites in neonatal, juvenile and diabetic hearts
- 1.0142339 - FGU-C 20020063 RIV NL eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Ziegelhöffer-Mihalovičová, B. - Ziegelhöffer, A. - Ravingerová, T. - Kolář, František - Jacob, W. - Tribulová, N.
Regulation of mitochondrial contact sites in neonatal, juvenile and diabetic hearts.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. Roč. 236, 1-2 (2002), s. 37-44. ISSN 0300-8177. E-ISSN 1573-4919
Grant ostatní: VEGA(SK) 2/7157/21; VEGA(SK) 2/6094/21; VEGA(SK) 2/7155/21
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5011922
Klíčová slova: mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase * mitochondrial contact sites * diabetic heart
Kód oboru RIV: ED - Fyziologie
Impakt faktor: 1.548, rok: 2002
During development, the formation of mitochondrial contact sites may be influenced by both permanent stimulation by calcium signalling and the availability of mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase. In diabetic hearts, the modulation of contact sites formation is attenuated due to alterations in calcium handling.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0040045
Počet záznamů: 1